We hiked at Red River Gorge on Saturday.

It's been a nice day.
I've quilted most of the day and finished the quilt top for Cara and Kelly. I did take off a few hours though and visited Gramma and Grandad and helped her pick peaches from her overloaded peach tree! It's so loaded (even still) that the branches are touching the ground. It's amazing. We had a nice time. The weather was great and her company is always a treat.
I'm sort of feeling grumpy today. I don't know why. No reason in particular...just grumpy. I'm sure it'll pass. Maybe I need a little quiet time. I've been so busy I've hardly spent any of my time in quiet....just being. I need time like that and sometimes I forget. I have caught myself saying..."I'll make time for meditation tomorrow" and then I don't do it at all and I say it again the next day. I'm the type of person who must have meditation time and I'm neglecting myself.
My professor keeps emailing me (the whole class) and while he's probably excited to begin his first semester at UK, I'm not ready to let go of my summer...so I've looked at the email and even though he wants us to download a couple of programs and familiarize ourselves with them, I'm in no mood and I've not even begun to do that. Ugh...as if I want to start school work BEFORE the semester begins? What the hell? I want to say...in the words of Bridget Jones....BUGGER OFF! hehe.
I weighed myself today...the first time in a long time. What sort of bothered me was that I was pleasantly surprised by my weight. How annoying that I still have a reaction to a stupid fucking number that doesn't mean a fucking thing about who I am as a person. It's so stupid and annoys the hell out of me. I mean, a stupid number made me happy, even if only for a moment. What if it had been higher? Would I have been sad or upset? I don't know.....While I do not react physically to the number...meaning I don't adjust my eating accordingly, it is annoying to me that my emotions are still attached to that number, even in such a small way. What the hell? It ticks me off. Still though, this is the only time I've even thought of it all day except for the 2 seconds after I weighed myself, so that's an accomplishment compared to my past experience. So anyway...thought I'd get that out of my system.
I want cabernet sauvignon. :)
Scott leaves for New Mexico tomorrow. In a way I'm looking forward to a little T. time, but I always hate when he leaves. At least it's only until Thursday.
The kids are actually excited about starting school this year. Crazy. I can't believe the summer is coming to a close....it's a little sad. I'm not ready this year. I'm sort of ready for sweater weather....not cold, but a little chilly would be good....but I'm not ready for school to start back. Ugh. All that work and no time to do things I enjoy. Oh well. That's life and this is my last semester of classes. After this one, I'm student teaching and then hopefully employeed by next August!
1 comment:
That quilt looks gorgeous! You should sell your quilts on ETSY too.
I'm grumpy without me time. Do the boys go back to school this week? Maybe you will get more alone time then?
Mmmmm cabarnet. I want some too:-D
Love ya<3
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